Linux for Biologists e-book

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A beginner’s guide for students or researchers in biological sciences

The primary focus of the book is in using graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to accomplish tasks, but methods using the command line interface are also discussed.

What you will learn

Using this book, you will learn how to:

  • Run Linux on your computer
  • Use the desktop and included software
  • Work with files and directories
  • Search and install software
  • Run some basic commands
  • Run the Galaxy platform on your computer

Includes over 120 screenshots

To help you understand concepts quickly.

Download virtual machine

If you do not have access to a Linux desktop, you can download a virtual machine image.

This will help you run a virtual machine of Linux Mint 20.1 on your computer. All the recipes in the book have been tested on this distribution.

After downloading, follow "Running a Linux virtual machine" section in Chapter 2 of the book to get started.


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Linux for Biologists e-book

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